IoT Newsletter – March 25, 2021
The IoT Business Hub team has put together an IoT newsletter for you. On the menu:
- Smart Mobility with the @SNCF which signs a partnership with @Stimio
- Telemedicine on a large scale with @TokTokDoc
- Connected farms
- And other hot news from the IoT world
Wishing you an excellent reading!

IoT Newsletter – March 11, 2021
Find our new #IoT newsletter through the #IoTBusinessHub. On the program of this edition:
- French startups in the news with @Baracoda, @Vivoka
- Anoxius raises $100 million in funding
- The production of the mythical Fender guitars that goes IoT and AI for a sound often imitated, never equaled
- And other hot news from the IoT world

IoT Newsletter – February 24, 2021
In this new newsletter of the IoT Business Hub, find the IoT news of the moment with notably the release of the connected box of Keematic or the partnership between Schneider Electric and Wattsense.
Enjoy your reading!

IoT Newsletter – February 12, 2021
Find the latest IoT news including Label cybersecurity's Digital113 projects, Parcoor's POC for a tiny machine learning solution or WeMaintain's acquisition of Shockly.
Very good reading.

IoT Newsletter – January 27, 2021
The IoT Business Hub team looks back at CES2021, where French Tech was represented with Ubiscale and Samea, and at all the IoT news of the last two weeks.
Enjoy your reading.

IoT Newsletter – January 14, 2021
The IoT Business Hub team wishes you a very happy new year!
In this 1st IoT 2021 newsletter, you will discover the 3 winners of the Objenious IoT Challenge, the innovations of the GAFAs or the association between PassTime GPS and Polte Mobile for the localisation of vehicles.
Enjoy your reading.

IoT Newsletter – December 16, 2020
The IoT Business Hub presents its Christmas press review.
As a gift, real time tracking solutions, connected contact lenses or even robotaxis.
We wish you a good reading and happy holidays!

IoT Newsletter – December 2, 2020
The IoT Business Hub team is excited to bring you our latest newsletter on the IoT topics of the moment.
On the agenda, veterinarians increasingly fond of IoT, air corridors for drones or even beer keg tracking.